Tous les articles par Sdoc du LEST

Call for papers :”Practice-based approaches to working life studies”

Call for  Special issue :  Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies


“Over the last decades practice based approaches to the study of organizations, working life and work place learning has become increasingly popular among researchers. Characteristic of these approaches is an emphasis on the productive and reproductive features of activity as constitutive elements in bringing about, stabilizing and changing social order. In this perspective activity is not simply conceived as the sum of individual (inter)actions but also as an encompassing, potent and responsive order that morphs and shapes conduct. Thus these approaches see social practices – i.e. bundles of human activity –as the central unit of analysis. This ‘turn to practices’ has led many work life researchers to discard traditional social science dichotomies of structure/agency, macro/micro, physical/mental, outer/inner, rational actors/cultural dopes. Instead, the practice based approaches focuses on action intelligibility – how people respond to the actual conditions they encounter, and how they on a step by step basis tries to make sense of their experiences and give meaning to their worlds.” (…)




Date limite: 01/01/2015

Appel à contribution: “Les conflits du travail”

Appel à contribution pour un numéro spécial

“RIMHE – Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme(s) & Entreprise”

Cet appel à contributions de la revue RIMHE se propose de présenter un état actualisé des connaissances sur les conflits au travail et des résultats de travaux de recherche empirique récents sur les pratiques novatrices de management permettant de résoudre les problématiques associées. (…)





Date limite: 27/03/2015

Call for papers :”International mobility of workers: new forms, processes and outcomes”

Call for papers Special issue :  Personal Review


Personnel Review
“This Call aims to attract contributions that will advance our knowledge and understanding of international mobility. International mobility is a phenomenon of large proportions whose complexity, forms, and impact are increasing. This necessitates clarification of concepts, identification of emerging forms, documentation of implications and impact, mapping impact processes, as well as further theory development. The movement of individuals across geographic boundaries is not a recent phenomenon. However, its extent has intensified in recent years (e.g., International Labour Organization, 2010). This is due to a variety of reasons that include international treaties (e.g., the European Union, or other special bi-lateral agreements) that allow free movement of individuals across borders; the advent and rapid development of information technology that has facilitated the flow of information on employment opportunities across the globe; developments in transportation; and the progressively global nature of the economy that has been mutually reinforced by the increasingly multi-national nature of organizations. Estimates bring the numbers of individuals worldwide who have moved to and live and work in countries other than their own to nearly 250 million (OECD-UNDESA, 2013), these estimates remaining conservative since they leave particular forms of mobility (e.g., globetrotting) unaccounted for. Hence, apart from being an interesting phenomenon, international mobility is also important for the substantive reason that it involves a significant proportion of the world population.” (…)






Date limite: 31/05/2015

Call for papers : “Workers’ Education and Global Labor Movements”

  Call for papers Special issue  International Labor and Working-Class History International Labor and Working-Class HistoryWe have learned a great deal about the history of global working class in the modern era and about the economic, political, and social struggles that accompanied its rise. But we still know comparatively little about the educational institutions, relationships and practices working class movements have used to develop the capacity for sustained struggle, not to mention the ability to survive their defeats and institutionalize their victories. To encourage a deeper understanding of these efforts, the editors of ILWCH (International Labor & Working-Class History) invite proposals for articles, interviews, review essays, documents, conference and archive reports, photo essays, and reflections on the role of worker education, both formal and informal, in the development of the global labor movement and its base communities.“…




Date limite: 01/11/2014 (abstract) ; 01/07/2015 (first drafts)

7e Colloque International GeCSO Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations

7ème Colloque International GeCSO

“Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société
et les Organisations”

Le 7e Colloque International GeCSO organisé par le LEST, se déroulera à :
Aix en Provence les 4, 5 et 6 Juin 2014.

La thématique portera sur :“Dynamiques cognitives et transformations sociétales : Comment se forment les connaissances et où nous conduisent-elles ?”

Ce 7e colloque s’inscrit dans une perspective « indisciplinaire » et vise à croiser différentes approches académiques dans le but de repérer et de faire émerger les tendances qui se dessinent aujourd’hui dans les domaines suivants : la société de la connaissance en évolution, l’économie de la connaissance, la gestion des connaissances aux frontières et les dynamiques cognitives. Ce colloque a un double objectif. Il s’agit, d’une part, de faire un bilan sur les avancées des analyses théoriques dans le domaine des organisations et, d’autre part, de tenter de comprendre les mutations rencontrées aux frontières et au sein des organisations depuis plusieurs années, et en corollaire de mettre en évidence les principaux enjeux de société liés à ces mutations.

Lieu du colloque : Aix-Marseille Université, 3 Avenue Robert Schuman, Aix-en-Provence. France.

Programme :

Contacts :
administratif : Jocelyne Martiniere-Tesson
scientifique : Claude Paraponaris



Call for papers : “Work innovation in emerging economies”

  Call for papers

 Special issue

 International Journal of work innovation

 Journal cover image

“In this special issue, we tend to (a) identify effective work innovation strategies, designs, processes, platforms and programmes that distinguish new forms of work that are demonstrably effective for emerging economies,and (b) produce a critique of such visions of work innovation in the specific context of emerging economies. In sum, we seek papers that are able to contribute answers to the performative question: “How does work innovation help emerging economies build a more effective organisation that adds to the enterprise’s ability to exploit real innovation?” Cet appel à contributions de la Revue Interdisciplinaire Management & Humanisme, la RIMHE, préparé avec Marc Morin, Professeur d’Economie et sciences des organisations à l’ISC-Paris et quia rejoint le comité de rédaction de la revue pour ce numéro, se propose de rassembler des travaux de recherche dans l’objectif de promouvoir le développement de la négociation sociale, et démontrer son efficience socioéconomique et sa capacité à pro
duire du lien social dans une société qui secherche elle-même des voies de sortie de crise”…





7  July 2014

Appel à contributions : “Le gestionnaire public en question : La difficile conciliation des logiques bureaucratiques et managériales”

    Appel à contributions

 Numéro spécial

Revue française de gestion

“Dès ses origines, le Nouveau management public (NMP) a affirmé la nécessité d’octroyer aux gestionnaires publics un pouvoir de décision afin de les rendre comptables de leurs actions par l’intermédiaire d’indicateurs de performance (Hood, 1991). Dans cette veine, les réformes administratives engagées dans de nombreux pays autour de démarches de modernisation de la gestion publique institutionnalisent la notion de résultats.  Après trois décennies “d’expérimentation, la gestion par les résultats constitue notamment le cadre officiel de gestion pour plusieurs pays comme les États-Unis avec le Government Performance and Results Act en vigueur depuis 1993, le Québec avec la Loi sur l’administration publique entrée en application en mai 2000 et la France avec la Loi organique relative aux lois de finances votée en 2001 (Mazouz, 2012).”…



15 Janvier 2015

Appel à contributions “Les négociations collectives aujourd’hui et demain”

     Appel à contributions

 Special issue

 Revue RIMHE – Revue Interdisciplinaire Management & Humanisme


Cet appel à contributions de la Revue Interdisciplinaire Management & Humanisme, la RIMHE, préparé avec Marc Morin, Professeur d’Economie et sciences des organisations à l’ISC-Paris et quia rejoint le comité de rédaction de la revue pour ce numéro, se propose de rassembler des travaux de recherche dans l’objectif de promouvoir le développement de la négociation sociale, et démontrer son efficience socioéconomique et sa capacité à pro
duire du lien social dans une société qui secherche elle-même des voies de sortie de crise…





16 mai 2014

Call for papers “Understanding working environment policies, programmes and instruments”

Call for papers

Special issue

Nordic Journal of Working life Studies




Regulation through labour inspection of the working environment commenced in the 19th Century, and since regulation – in a broad sense – has expanded into a wide field of activities which to a great extent involves the state but increasingly also a number of other stakeholders such as the labour market parties, international organisations and non-governmental institutions. Working environment regulation ranges from traditional command-control regulation by the state through new forms of soft regulation to collective agreements and international standards. The literature on working environment policies and their consequences is quite extensive, and the call for evidence based policies is getting ever stronger.Yet the understanding of how, why and under which circumstances such policies and related activities work is surprisingly limited. Epidemiological intervention research mainly focus on clearly defined specific actions and have difficulties in making designs which explain how national programmes work, and political science studies have been more occupied with employer compliance to regulation than with the causes for employers to comply which could open for the understanding of why and how programmes work. In addition to this, contemporary work environment issues, in particular psychosocial work environment problems, are marked by a high degree of complexity and no well understood singular causes or solutions. And the processes instigated to improve the working environment are difficult to disentangle from the social, political and cultural context of the work and the workplace.  The new work environment issues therefore call for new ways of theorizing the policies and processes through which they are being dealt with….




Deadline: 15/02/2014





Thèse de Doctorat : “Les pratiques des consultants dans la gestion des risques psychosociaux”



Thèse en vue de l’obtention du Doctorat ès Sciences de Gestion
Aix-Marseille Université , LEST UMR 7317

L’expression « risques psychosociaux au travail » (RPS) est apparue dans la seconde partie des années 2000, faisant progressivement l’objet de plusieurs initiatives de la part des pouvoirs publics, mettant en évidence un intérêt croissant autour de ce phénomène. Différents éléments peuvent permettre d’expliquer cet intérêt grandissant autour du « phénomène RPS » : un enjeu économique croissant, une évolution du travail et l’apparition de nouvelles attentes et d’un nouveau rapport au travail (…)


Call for papers on “The Social Sustainability of Professional Working Lives in Modern Society”

Call for papers

Special issue

Sustainability Accounting, Management & Policy

Journal (SAMPJ)



Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal

Societal, educational and economic changes over the last decade have resulted in growing interest in the sustainability of professional working lives. This special edition welcomes research which furthers an understanding of how individual employees, employing organisations and professions manage, or indeed mismanage the social sustainability of modern professionals’ lifestyles. Of particular interest, is how this occurs within accounting and business management workplaces. Papers can be theoretical, or empirical in nature. They can adopt a historical or contemporary perspective, and draw on a range of theoretical approaches. The social sustainability of professional working lives is a broad issue that covers many disparate but interconnected areas such as parenthood, climate change, migration and economic downturns. For example, there is a growing interest in employees’ work-lifestyle balance within modern society. Concern with work-lifestyle balance has witnessed the growth of flexible working arrangements, and raised an awareness of inter-generational differences in attitudes toward the work-lifestyle balance…




Deadline: May 2014





Appel à contributions “Santé et organisation du travail”

     Appel à contributions

 Special issue

 Chronique du Travail

Rédacteurs en chef du numéro  :  Ph.  Mossé et S.  Moullet  (LEST UMR 7317)


Cet appel propose d’alimenter le débat en regroupant des contributions originales au sein du numéro 4 qui paraîtra à l’automne 2014. Les contributions attendues peuvent émaner de toutes les disciplines des Sciences sociales et humaines.

Abordant l’une ou l’autre des dimensions de l’impact sur la santé au travail des formes d’organisation du travail et des modes de gestion des ressources humaines. Sont donc attendues des contributions qui traiteraient de la manière dont ces questions sont prises en compte par et pour les acteurs du monde du travail aux prises avec une crise, sinon une mutation, de la relation à l’emploi et au travail.





10 février 2014

Appel à contributions “Les transformations du travail syndical”

Appel à contributions

Special issue

Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie


Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie 2013/1

L’histoire du syndicalisme est profondément associée aux évolutions des formes d’organisation du travail productif. Dans la période contemporaine marquée par la mondialisation des marchés, la flexibilité croissante de l’emploi, l’intensification du travail, l’individualisation et la judiciarisation de la conflictualité sociale, le syndicalisme est interrogé voire contesté. Pour traiter de ces transformations et de leurs impacts sur les répertoires et les territoires de l’action syndicale, nous proposons ici de partir d’une analyse du travail syndical et de la construction de l’engagement syndical.




30 octobre 2013

Call for papers on “Professional Doctorates”

Call for papers

Special issue

Higher Education and work-based Learning


Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

In the last two decades there has been a large growth internationally in the range and type of professional doctorate awards aimed at individuals who prefer to follow a professional or practice-based doctoral route.  These routes take work-based learning to its highest possible academic level.

However, as with much work-based learning, this type of doctorate can be perceived with some scepticism, sometimes considered as ‘PhD-lite’, and even those who embrace its potential often find it difficult to find their way through the confusion of different models that exist. Nevertheless, experience shows that successful programmes have significant benefits: in an era when impactful research is high on the agenda, they offer the opportunity to create a ‘living link’ between practitioners and academics at the highest level of enquiry, working on real-world strategic projects and research requested by and used by their specific area of professional practice.

The special issue will seek to challenge perceptions and share the experience of those already established in this field from both academic and practitioner perspectives (…)





Submission of abstract by 26th July

Submission of full paper by 31st October




Call for papers “Labour market flexibility and spatial mobility”

Call for papers

Special issue

International Journal of Manpower

International Journal of Manpower

The purpose of the special issue is to cover some research caps in the existing literature. For example, there is still little research on interactions between education settings and labour market flexibility (one exception is Eichhorst et al 2009); between spatial mobility and labour market flexibility, despite the fact that some authors (e.g. Monastiriotis, 2005; Paas and Eamets, 2007) find that labour mobility is an essential part of labour market flexibility (…)



September 2, 2013: Submission of full papers