Employment instability and economic uncertainty have increased in many industrialized countries in the last two decades, giving rise to perceived employment insecurity among workers. It has been shown that perceived job insecurity (PJI) significantly modifies economic behaviours such as saving, consumption and entry to further education, reduces job performance and generates adverse health and well-being effects.
For these reasons, a better understanding of its determinants and multidimensional nature is crucial. However, few studies have specifically addressed the antecedents and evolution of subjective job insecurity in the early years of the working life. Nevertheless, the uncertainty associated with this particular stage of working life is conducive to the emergence of such feelings. We here examine this issue in the case of France.
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Catherine Béduwé, Arnaud Dupray, Perceived job insecurity in early careers: a tale of two French cohorts in Training and employment n° 133 (2018). – 4 p.
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Doc du Céreq (28 septembre 2018). Perceived job insecurity in early careers: a tale of two French cohorts. Echos du travail. Consulté le 13 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o0dt