Call for papers “Labour market flexibility and spatial mobility”

Call for papers

Special issue

International Journal of Manpower

International Journal of Manpower

The purpose of the special issue is to cover some research caps in the existing literature. For example, there is still little research on interactions between education settings and labour market flexibility (one exception is Eichhorst et al 2009); between spatial mobility and labour market flexibility, despite the fact that some authors (e.g. Monastiriotis, 2005; Paas and Eamets, 2007) find that labour mobility is an essential part of labour market flexibility (…)



September 2, 2013: Submission of full papers




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Sdoc du LEST (12 juillet 2013). Call for papers “Labour market flexibility and spatial mobility” Echos du travail. Consulté le 10 septembre 2024 à l’adresse